A Digital Newsletter for Curculionoidea Research

No. 6 - March 2024

Header photo by Andreas Kay, in Ecuador, 2017

 to get information from the community via Google Groups

Upcoming events

Organizers: Bruno A. S. de Medeiros, Sangil Kim, M. Lourdes Chamorro

August, 2024

Thursday August 29 from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. (local time in Kyoto)

One day sharing weevil research

October 25, 2024


Scolytinae / Machine Learning

Anthribidae / Asia

In Memoriam

October 25, 1931 – May 11, 2023

Specialist in Anthribidae and Lucanidae; New Zealand.

February 10, 1934 - July 8, 2023

Scolytinae; United States


Travel stories by Weevil Workers

Weevil Workers sharing their tools and tricks to work with weevils.

Weevil Workers talking about BORERS of stems, trunks, shoots, seeds, leaves, buds, and flowers

Past events

A day sharing weevil research

20 October 2023

Two days sharing weevil research

28–29 October 2022

Two days sharing weevil research

22–23 October 2021

From the editors

It has been two years since we started this website to engage the Weevil Workers community.

During the last year the website has been visited over 5000 times from many places in the world. Check out the map below. We hope to reach even more people in the years to come.

We have a few contributions to the News and Research Activities section, highlighting the projects that are currently in development by members of the community. Fill out this form if you would like your information to be added into this section: requests for specimens needed for ongoing research projects, position announcements, retirements, new students, and more, are welcome in this section. 

Our Methods section keeps growing. In this issue we have contributions from Lourdes Chamorro and Matt Buffington on a V-FIT for weevils and earlier this year Jorge M. Valdez-Carrasco and Valentina Díaz-Grisales shared a low-cost and portable option for macro photography. All these can certainly help collectors and collections! 

For Gorgojito (Gor-go-hee-to), this year we have stories about museum visits: Manuel Barrios chronicled his visit to the American Museum of Natural History and Valentina Díaz-Grisales told us about her visit to the Natural History Museum in London. Lots of good travel tips here!

Our section for Collections with weevils has also grown. We have details for a few collections. Fill out this form if you have information about a collection with weevil specimens and want to spread the word. Also, let us know if you have information on Weevil Type Resources that you would like to share.

Despite everything that is going on in the world, we are grateful for a resilient community that gets together to celebrate weevils during the Weevil Workers Meetings. We will meet again next year. Date to be announced. Keep an eye on your email in August for our call for titles!

Our Scientific Literature folders have grown significantly, thanks to the contributions by our community members. At the moment we are at nearly 106 GB of data. We would like to highlight the contributions by Leonardo Forbicioni, who shared his entire collection of alphabetically organized, fully searchable PDF's!! We share these resources with 74 Weevil Workers now.

We regret the loss of our colleagues Beverley Holloway and Don Bright this year. We are thankful for the very personal contribution by Rich Leschen honoring the life of Holloway.

It has been great to be able to bring our community together through this website. Please reach out if you have any weevil-related topic that you would like to share. All contributions are welcome!

Yours in weevils,

Jennifer & Lourdes

Last updated October 19, 2023

Last updated March 19, 2024

ROSTRUM - A digital newsletter for the dissemination of taxonomic weevil research.
Editors Jennifer GIRÓN and Lourdes CHAMORRO