
The great Bob Anderson teaches us about sifting leaf litter for collecting weevils that reside there. Video by M. L. Chamorro. 

How to mount small weevils. Video by M. L. Chamorro. 

An exchange with Roman Borovec

In February 2022, while corresponding with Roman Borovec on several weevil topics, we got to discussing his unique methodology for collecting weevils in dry leaf litter and my possible attempt at his method during my upcoming visit to California. He and Massimo Meregalli had presented on this topic during the 2021 Online Weevil Meeting. They discussed their leaf littler sifting technique used in South Africa and I wanted to find out more. Roman agreed to allow me to share part of our correspondence as well as some of his amazing photographs of the weevils collected using this technique. I hope you find this information as useful as I did. Thanks Roman!

– Lourdes Chamorro

An exchange with Sarah Smith

Several months ago, I started corresponding with Sarah Smith about scolytines and, as it turns out, scolytine workers come across cossonines on a routine basis. I asked Sarah to share with me some of her techiniques and tools. Here I share, with her consent, what she provided. Thanks Sarah for the information and for the cossonines!

- Lourdes Chamorro

By Jorge M. Valdez-Carrasco and Valentina Díaz-Grisales

Nowadays we all want to get nice pictures of our weevil specimens but the equipment to accomplish that is often cost-prohibitive. A team at the Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, in Mexico shares the details about the setup for an affordable and portable option to get high-resolution images that they put together.

- Jennifer Girón

By Lourdes Chamorro and Matt Buffington

Over the past two years we've explored using V-FIT for collecting weevils and wasps. We here summarize what we have learned of this effective and economical collecting technique.

- Lourdes Chamorro

An updated version for a low-cost and portable macro photography system

By Valentina Díaz-Grisales and Jorge M. Valdez-Carrasco

Another version of a macro photography system. This time including videos for assembly and use.

- Jennifer Girón

High-quality Pictures

By Nathaniel N. Levia

An undergraduate student from the University of Delaware who visited the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC with a cool, inexpensive imaging setup shares with us his tools and tricks. Thanks Nathaniel!

- Lourdes Chamorro

Last updated March 16, 2024